Major League Baseball MVP, Ryan Howard from the Philadelphia Phillies was in Shooting Stars Post Studio this February. Vault Communications and a major multimedia provider teamed up with SSP to photograph the star athlete.

Ryan Howard was selected for a new marketing campaign for the major multimedia provider. The photographs were taken in SSP’s studio in various different styles, ranging from stealing a base to relaxing in an oversized chair. Overall the shoot was a home run! Shooting Stars looks forward to working with Ryan Howard and Vault Communications again in the near future.

More than a digital production firm, Shooting Stars has a 7,000-square-foot facility located at 3106 W. North A Street Tampa, FL 33609, with more than 4,000 square feet of studio space, top-of-the-line digital recording and editing equipment, complete in-house production capabilities including HD production and HD post production.

Have you been thinking about giving your logo an extra edge or promoting your business with video, contact SSP today for further details!