Port Tampa Bay and Tampa International Airport welcomed new trains all the way from the Mitsubishi plant in Japan on June 9th. The twelve trains, delivered by a Ro-Ro, or roll-on/roll-off ship, will make up the SkyConnect people-mover shuttle system currently being built as part of a $1 billion renovation at Tampa International Airport. The shuttle system will connect a new rental car facility and the economy parking garage to the main terminal, and will be operational in early 2018. Shooting Stars Post (SSP) captured the delivery from the moment it reached the port, using drones, ground based video, and time lapse footage of the ship and its cargo to create a unique viewing experience of this historic event.
Check out the video we created of the trains coming into the port below!
Port Tampa Bay_TPA Trains_Arrival from Shooting Stars Post on Vimeo.
SSP also provided video and still photography coverage of the Press Event on Monday the 17th. Governor Scott, Mayor Bob Buckhorn, TPA CEO Joe Lopano, PTB CEO Paul Anderson, and other dignitaries were in attendance to help celebrate the big event. Port Tampa Bay was happy to assist, and is proud to be a trusted partner in delivering this shuttle system to Tampa International Airport and the Bay area.
- SkyConnect Trains, Port Tampa Bay, Tampa International Airport
- SkyConnect Trains, Port Tampa Bay, Tampa International Airport
- SkyConnect Trains, Port Tampa Bay, Tampa International Airport
- SkyConnect Trains, Port Tampa Bay, Tampa International Airport
- SkyConnect Trains, Port Tampa Bay, Tampa International Airport
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